
Eighty Cats Scheduled to be Killed in Calvert County

reprint from DCGuide.com

June 3, 2011

** Eighty Cats Being Killed on Monday Due to Foreclosure Fraud **

On Monday morning, eighty cats housed in a cat sanctuary will be hunted down and killed because of robo-signing fraud perpetrated by the law firm Shapiro and Burson, JPMorgan Chase, MERS (a mortgage note holding company) and the illegal practices of local judges in Calvert County.

Forged affidavits were submitted to the court in Calvert County and were used as a basis to foreclose on the waterfront property of Jean Michaud. (Documents verifying all allegations are available upon request, and will be hand-delivered directly to you.)

"These are people who, for 40, 50 and 60 years, have paid their taxes in Maryland, sent their children to schools in Maryland, and volunteered in Maryland. We insist that forged documents are not used to take away their homes," said Ms. Michaud’s attorney in her Federal case, Christine Axsmith.

The foreclosure sale was finalized by a judge. The judge was required by court order to not hear any cases related to Paul Monger. He did it anyway, and Mr. Monger got a million dollar waterfront property for $400,000.

The judge who ratified the foreclosure sale was ordered recused from all cases related to the purchaser of Jean Michaud's property at the foreclosure sale.

The advertisement for the foreclosure sale didn't mention that it was prime waterfront property zoned for mixed commercial and residential use. Only one person came to bid, Paul Monger. The same Paul Monger who plays golf with the judges in Calvert County. The same Paul Monger that all of the judges in Calvert County were ordered not to hear cases about.

Judges have a code of conduct. They aren't supposed to decide cases for people who are related to them, or for close personal friends. They also aren't supposed to talk one person in a case and advise them on how best to proceed. Again, in this case, that's exactly what happened. When the settlement attorney didn’t want to close on the sale because of a clouded title, the settlement attorney phoned the judge, who told him that there wasn’t any problem, go ahead and close. On every level, doing that was a violation of basic judicial ethics.

"Can you imagine a SWAT team descending on your grandmother, cuffing her and putting her in the back of a squad car, telling her that the government will kill her cats if she doesn't give up her house? That's what happened to Jean Michaud. A lesser woman would have given up her waterfront property by now,” said her attorney Christine Axsmith.

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