
Economics of Poop

Yes darlings, there is an economy for human waste.  You learn these things working for the EPA, where Econo-Girl just started a few weeks ago.  There is a process whereby human waste is heated and then microbes added, and then is used for fertilizer.  Yum.  Love those vegetables.
And there is a way to take standard trash, put pressure on it and heat it, and then electricity is produced.  Isn't this wild?
Neither are cost-effective.  But with a little research ...  Econo-Girl feels that with a mere billion dollar investment the US could insulate itself from crazies elsewhere.  Cancel a few weapons programs.  Give Econo-Girl a copy of the US budget, and she'll make the cut.
When still a little one, Econo-Girl went through the gas crisis with the rest of the nation.  The real price of gas is not nearly as high as it was in the Seventies.  OK, OK, you suffered worse, you Baby Boomers.  Stop bitching already.  Nothing you go through is going to make you The Greatest Generation.  It still hurts, doesn't it? 
Then Jimmy Carter told the nation to conserve and that the government will investigate alternative fuels.  And did he get punished for that one.  If Reagan had continued this work we would not be in a pickle today.  Wonder how that cucumber was fertilized?


The Lazy Iguana said...

Ahhh...good ole Milorginite. I think they make some of that stuff right here in South Floirda! People in Dade County are full of....well you know what. With extra corn chunks.

We also burn garbage to generate some power. It is the EPA and the pollution controls that prevent more trash burning plants. Do not get me wrong, I am a fan of pollution controls. I like breathing.

They also draw methane gas from landfills that are capped.

But do you really think these types of projects can do that much to reduce the need for imported oil?

Econo-Girl said...

To be honest, no. Not now. There needs to be advancement in technology to make these alternative fuel sources cost-effective.

But that is what I am calling for. Let's look into it. Let's put our focus on a long-term solution. We've known of our unhealthy dependency since the mid-Seventies. What have we been doing since then? Not enough.