
Sober Nerds - Free Book at Lulu.com

Sober nerds is about a collection of odd and interesting people that one tends to find in recovery. The author made the book free for download.

The book jacket:

"Irv is an unrepentant thief AND a recovering drunkard... Gus the Ghost must haunt the New Orbit Club for all eternity…Nora, having gotten off the sauce, but still lonely, finds recovering alcoholic men are so STRANGE…Teenage Troy is gay as a goose, but sober as a judge, what a combination. Andy knows that until he is taken seriously as a screenwriter, no one (including the manager of the restaurant where he waits tables) will let him use his fake English accent. THEY'RE SOBER NERDS!"

Check it out: Sober Nerds.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


If you Accused me of any CRIME then I will be Suing The Campus that you accused me on AXIS. I am a Fifth Generation AMERICAN that Kelly Ayotte Tried to Sell me too The NAZI Studies at The Embassy of Germany? My Great Great Grandfather was a Dr. Scott of England and Warren Chapter Member in the 1930's. Stop using the Nitendo wii NETWORK. If Your Sister has looked at The Brewster Acedemy Website my Grandmothers Generation were Brewster Graduates and my Grand Uncle was an FBI Agent when Liz Lemmon was a Phalopian Tube in an Fertalized Egg. I was a SHRINERS for 18 YEARS and those Lobadamized Osgoods Neglected to Ask for Knowledge about Cerebral Palsy. They're God Damn INCEST VICTIMS. Kelly Ayotte is the NAZI and I was a SHRINERS for 18 YEARS at Springfield Burn Unit.


Richard Fehrmann